It's December 31, 2010, and it could be the warmest December day in Indiana for quite some time. "All the snow is gone," my four-year-old daughter just announced, with wonder in her smile. We may go out for a walk later.
I haven't blogged in a long time, so I'll have to get my Topic Brain going again. Please bear with me.
My blog address, BornSouthof40, has major significance to Hoosiers. It means my accent has a twangy quality and I pronounce the state flower correctly -- Piney, even though it's spelled Peony.
It also means I appreciate the taken-for-granted blessings in life, such as indoor plumbing and electricity, though I rather disdain central air, since it means closed windows in the summertime and an expensive hum.
I'm not old! Great Stars, that all sounds like I was born pre-WWII. I just prefer simplicity.
My intention for this blog is to begin creatively writing on a regular basis, and to receive feedback. As a working journalist, I write and am published almost every day. But that's work. And even though it's fun ( I cover courts and crime -- at times horrific, but usually just an amusing review of stupid-human-tricks-gone-wrong), I am not writing for me.
You may find me aggressively boring, Dear Reader.
But stay tuned. Since Attention Deficit is my undiagnosed blessing, my topics will likely change often.
And, as I am now, I will undoubtedly be interrupted by my four children, two black boy cats and tolerant husband so often as to imbue my posts with frustration, snarkiness, scattered potential and hopefully, truth and honesty, with a little touch of (sniff) love and eye-moistness. Snark, already.
Ahhhh, get your hands off my frickin' baseball cards, you little demon!
Gotta go.
Indiana Lisa